According to our people-oriented management approach, our employees' career plans are guided by taking into account their mental abilities, personality traits, self-development levels, progress in their jobs and desires to reach higher levels. With this, we ensure the job satisfaction, company loyalty and internal mobility of our employees.
Appointments to critical positions are based on criteria of our employees' work success, performance level and competency-based selection within their group. We prepare our employees, supported by training determined by the performance management system, to be good managerial candidates for the future.
We contribute to the career development of our employees by sharing the opportunities that arise with them in order to provide them with career opportunities to ensure their efficient work towards the achievement of the determined company goals.
By creating opportunities to determine and develop the long-term goals of our companies through career management carried out with an impartial and equal opportunity approach, we make a significant contribution to the motivation of individuals by meeting the self-realization needs of working individuals. We take it seriously to make our employees more conscious individuals in terms of productivity and work health and safety, and we organize gamification workshops where the "learning through experience" technique comes to the fore. Thus, trainings serve a more memorable and empowering function as they are blended with games.
We wholeheartedly believe in the need to create the intellectual and creative capacity necessary for our company to continue its activities by investing in the career goals of our employees.